What are Large Language Models/

A Quick How-To Guide

A one-pager for a those who may be overwhelmed by the recent developments in Artificial Intelligence, and don’t know where to start.

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What Are Large Language Models?

Large language models (LLMs) are computer programs that can generate text in natural language, such as English, French, or Chinese. They can also understand and respond to text that you type or speak to them. They are called "large" because they have a lot of information stored in them, such as words, sentences, grammar rules, facts, and stories. They learn this information by reading and analyzing a lot of text from the internet, books, newspapers, and other sources.

Some examples of LLMs are ChatGPT, Google Bard, and LLaMA. They can do many things with text, such as:

How to Chat with LLMs

To chat with an LLM, you need to use a website or an app that lets you access the LLM. Some of these websites or apps are free, while others may require you to pay a fee or create an account. Here are some examples of websites or apps that you can use to chat with LLMs: